Treasures of Memories
The end of 70th orbits 70 years.
May, The Eternal Creator God have mercy upon us ALL.
Pharaoh of Egypt had to LET ISRAEL go by the Blood of Lamb of OLD COVENANT.
Today under the BLOOD OF JESUS THE CHRIST, SATAN, KING OF BABYLON has to release all that come under the BLOOD OF THE LAMB OF GOD. You have been BOUGHT WITH A GREAT PRICE. I Corinthians 6:19 -- 20. 7:23. You cain't be the servants of man nor Satan, but God only.
The God of our Fathers, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob. And begin keeping of his Commandments, Statutes, Laws, UNLEAVENING our lives.
"REMEMBER", THE WORLD TODAY IS IN BABYLON. ABOUT TO BE DESTROYED. Jeremiah 50:18, 23, 28, 31. 51:6, 11, 24 -- 26. Revelation 18:2, 4, 8.
God is CALLING HIS PEOPLE OUT OF THIS PRESENT EVIL WORLD. Galatians 1:4 -- 6. I John 5:19. I Corinthians 1:24 -- 29.
5979 and COUNTING ------------------ 6000 " MORNING"
"REMEMBER", The corner stone has been laid.
I Peter 1:17 -- 20. 2:6 -- 7. Psalm 118 :22 -- 23. Zechariah 8:9 Haggi 2:4, 18. I Corinthians 3:9 -- 17, Note verse 11. Acts 3:13. 4:10 -- 12.
I Peter 2:4 -- 5, 9, 17 -- 25. I Corinthains 15: 34, 57 -- 58. 16:13. Matthew 24:33 -- 34.
1 .... Repent , MAKE A total committment to GOD.
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