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The Daughter of Ancient Babylon

Posted Dec 9, 2008
Last Updated Nov 20, 2011
The King of Babylon and Daughter


The real truth behind the king of Bablyon and daughter, Who The Real King Really is.  It started way before the Garden of Eden, ADAM AND EVE. Some of his evil trickery, to reach his evil goal to become god over all the universe and all the earth, and force the angels and man into worshipping him as creator. Binding  Man from the real truth USING DECEPTION. { Lying. Revelations  21:7 -- 8.}

Ezekiel 28:1 -- 19. 27: 1 -- 4. Isaiah 14:4 -- 6, 12 -- 17.        II Thessalonians  2:1 -- 12.  Daniel 11:35 -- 45. 

 The King of South  Ethiopia?  Egypt?   Daniel 11:42 -- 43. Zechariah 10:10 -- 12.

"Remember", It's the King of the South, That pushes at the King of the North. Daniel 11:40 -- 43.  Timing of the End. Over oil or money?  treasures of gold or precious things of Egypt.

The Tiding out of the East and North shall trouble him,  Orient, and Russia.

 It's the King of the North {The Beast Modern day Assyrians. } The Ten Toes are The Ten Kings that give there power unto The Beast for ONE HOUR.   Revelations 17:12 -- 14 Daniel 7:24 -- 28.      { The house of Israel and Judah captive. }

Just how rich will this final short lived Bablyon system be?  Revelations 18:9 -- 24.

This is the system that God's warning of, To come out of her my people. Revelations 18:2, 4, 8.

It enforces the Mark of the Beast on Mankind. No one will be able to buy or sell unless he has his mark. Revelations 13:15 -- 16: 14:8 -- 12. Remember the 4Th Commandment. Deuteronomy 5:11 -- 14.

 It is when { they say Beast  Peace  and Saftey  What happens? }  I Thessalonians 5:3.  TIME ORDER  Great Tribulations DAY OF LORD  3 1/2 Years 15 DAYS 

The tribulations started 2 years earlier,  [ They say, Beast peace and Saftey.  }  THE Heavenly Signs God intervining Signs, Great day of  Lord [YEAR}. Christ returns. NATIONS ANGRY, IT'S ALL OVER 15 Days Latter.  The  Kingdom of God upon the Earth.

"Remember",  there are two flights,  1st Satan's wrath.  Revelations 12:12. 6:9 -- 11. Matthew 24:15 -- 22. 

  2nd  God's wrath. Revelations 6:16 -- 17. 8:1 -- 2. 11:15.  Matthew 24: 30 -- 31.  Luke 17:30 --37. The 7th seal, with 7 trumpets, 7 Last Plagues The Wrath of God.

 Whole armor of God  Ephesians 6:10 -- 18.

Read  Article Mountian Majesty




Illustrations of Beast and Babyon

Image   C. Winston Taylor